Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of PaintCentric.com, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of PaintCentric.com, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

Can You Paint over Mold?

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of PaintCentric.com, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

We always hear about mold getting in places where it shouldnt. It has a bad reputation, and a lot of people think its dangerous. Painting over mold can be a quick fix to covering up the ugly look and getting rid of the stains left behind from the cleaning of it. Mold causes paint to chip and peel which is a sign that it is coming from underneath that layer of paint. Painting over it has some advantages and all disadvantages when not done correctly.

What Is Mold?

Mold is a common type of fungus that is very common in properties. It grows in places where the environment is wet and there is a lot of moisture. You are most likely to find mold in your shower, around your bath, or around leaks in your roof, windows, or even pipes.

What Is Mold

Mold is a natural part of the environment, and it forms when both moisture and oxygen are around. It appears in your property in different colours such as dark green, black, and white and is often fuzzy looking. It is not entirely dangerous when you have mold, but it can cause some dangers with your health if it is allowed to continue growing. Removing the mold and then painting over it can help to prevent any dangers occurring.

Mold in the House – What Causes It?

There are a lot of causes of mold in the house. It is very common and occurs in every average home in very obvious places you use every day. Mold grows where dampness occurs and where the oxygen is too. There are tones of places in a home where this could occur.

Mold In The House

It can grow just about anywhere, but it is most common in bathrooms, kitchens, basements, pipes, and the roof. The mold only needs a few key elements to grow and then it can spread constantly which causes raspatory issues. The key element that mold needs to grow is moisture.

Most common causes for mold in the house:

  • Humidity- If you have high humidity then you are more likely to have a problem with mold. This is because of all of the extra moisture in the air that encourages mold to grow on walls and ceilings. If you live near a large body of water like an ocean then your humidity will most likely be higher, causing your home to have more issues with mold than others.
  • Broken Pipes- If you have pipes that leak then this could be the main cause for your mold. If your mold is growing on walls or under your sink cupboards then a leaky pipe might just be the cause.
  • Leaking Roof- A damaged roof can quickly cause mold to grow and spread. Your roof is made to keep the weather outside, but as soon as it is damaged, and the wet conditions appear you are going to face a big mold problem!
  • Condensation- One of the most common causes of getting mold is condensation that build up on cold surfaces. This could be due to the fluctuation in temperature or from when you have a bath or shower. This can impact your pipes, concrete surfaces and even floor tiles.
  • Water- Water that is left around your bath, shower, or sink can be a reason you are getting mold build-ups in that area. When you are washing and water splashes onto the sealant or the walls and it does not get dried, mold is likely to grow.
  • Steam- When you are cooking or boiling the kettle, steam is created. These appliances are adding warm, damp air into the humidity. This can leave your surfaces damp causing a build up of unwanted mold.
  • Wet Clothing- We have all experienced the times when we do our clothes washing and accidentally leave wet clothes lying around. When you remove the clothes from the washing machine and set them aside to sort out later, you are creating the perfect environment for mold to grow. If your house is warm then this combined with your wet clothing will encourage the mold.

Steps to Remove Mold

Steps To Remove Mold

  • Humidity- When the moisture in the air builds up indoors mold is likely to grow. To prevent this, make sure that your home has good ventilation, especially in the warmer months when mold has the perfect condition to grow.
  • Broken Pipes- Check to see if your pipes are faulty. If you spot a leaky pipe then this is most likely the cause for the mold to grow, especially if it is growing under your sink or on your walls.
  • Leaking Roof- You need to check your attic to look at your ceiling for damage and any leaks. If you spot any then you need to get that fixed as soon as you can. It can cause a lot more damage than just mold.
  • Condensation- If you have condensation that is being built up then that is severe problem that needs to be treated. The best way to avoid this is to ventilate each room as much as you can. This will remove the condensation.
  • Water- Be cautious when you are washing. After each shower or bath use a towel and dry the surrounding area to prevent mold. Having a well-ventilated room will also help this process.
  • Steam- Wipe down surfaces when they appear damp or after you have used an appliance that creates steam.
  • Wet Clothing- It is a simple solution really all you need to do is hang out your washing as soon as you can or put it in the tumble dryer to avoid your wet clothes laying around.

Can You Paint over Mold?

painting directly over a spot of mold you see can actually be extremely dangerous. It may seem like an easy fix, but you will soon realize that you were wrong. It can cause a big issue that you arent aware of.

Can You Paint Over Mold

Painting over mold only hides the problem you have come across. The mold will continue to grow even if you dont see it, even once the paint has dried. If this is left untreated then it can cause huge issues to your walls and ceiling and can lead to you having to get them removed and replaced.

Mold can cause raspatory issues to everyone in the property, so it is best to tackle the issue properly without just painting over the top. People can be allergic to mold too so it could cause severe allergic reaction if left untreated.

Painting over mold only hides the problem. It does not kill it. If you decide to use a paint that is mold-resistant then this could work at ending your problem, but it may not resolve it completely. You need to protect your home properly from mold growth, so it needs to be removed. Using mold-resistant paint will stop the mold growing but it wont kill it once it has already started to grow. If you dont stop it in its tracks then it will always continue to grow.

Products like mold-resistant paint and primers advertise that they kill mold once you use them. They only prevent mold reappearing, and this is after you have worked hard to clean and destroy the mold that has already began growing.

How Do You Paint over Mold?

  • Clean the Mold: Remove the mold before painting. When cleaning your mold wear protection like a face mask and gloves to prevent you from getting poorly. The mold that is growing in the wall can be killed by spraying vinegar onto it which will get to the root of the issue. This will also kill the mold on the surface helping you to remove it.
  • Prime Your Surface: Get a primer that is mold-resistant. They do not kill mold, but they do prevent mold growing in that area again. A primer also helps to get rid of the stains from the mold. Pick a primer that is high-quality, so that you can be confident that your mold problem will be fixed.
  • Paint: Paint the area with a paint that repels water. Mold grows where there is moisture, so getting a paint that repels water will prevent any accidentally seeping into places you dont want. Make sure that the paint has good reviews because you dont want you mold issue coming back.
  • Allow to Dry: Let your paint dry before doing anything further. Once you are happy that it is dry you can apply a second coat of paint to hide any stains caused by the mold. This will also give it extra protection from water.


Painting directly over mold can be extremely dangerous for your health, and the health of your walls. You need to treat the mold properly before painting over it so that you eliminate the problem. Cleaning the mold before you paint is essential to prevent it from growing. If you have serious concerns about mold growth in your property then it is always best to reach out to a professional so that they can see what the problem is.

Randy CharlesProfessional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of PaintCentric.com, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years of experience in the painting industry, Randy has become an expert in the field and is passionate about helping others learn more about painting. He has written numerous articles on the subject and is committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information to his readers.

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