Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of PaintCentric.com, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of PaintCentric.com, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

Can You Store Paint In Plastic Containers?

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of PaintCentric.com, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

Painting is one of the easiest projects to accomplish at home. You can repaint just anything at home and leave it looking great. The biggest challenge for most people is storing the excess paint.

Its true that we usually buy more paint than we actually need. So, can you store paint in plastic containers? Yes, you can store paint in airtight plastic containers for a period of 2-3 years. HDPE and PET plastic containers are recommended for best results.

You need the paint stored in airtight containers to prevent damage from the air. Proper paint storage ensures the paint stays fresher for longer.

Lets dive deep and see how one can store paint in plastic containers.

Can You Store Paint In Plastic Containers?

Yes, you can store paint in plastic containers for future use. Finished a painting project and you have leftover paint? Its important to store the paint safely for future touch-ups. Buying more paint than you need is a great idea. The excess can help perform

Can You Store Paint In Plastic Containers

However, the biggest challenge is storing the paint without having it go bad or drying. The good news is that there are many plastic containers you can use to store excess paint.

Whether oil-based or water-based, plastic containers are quite effective at storing paints. However, you need to choose the right type of plastic container. Some paints can break and degrade plastic containers.

Oil-based paints can last up to 15 years when left unopened. However, once youve opened and used them, the excess must be kept in airtight containers.

If you seal the paint properly in plastic containers, it can last for up to 7 years. However, its recommended that you use them within 2-3 years for the best results.

Apart from choosing the right plastic container, you need to store the paints in cool and dry areas. Keeping the paint away from direct sunlight extends its shelf life.

What Type Of Container Can I Store Paint In?

So, whats the best container for storing paint? The best and recommended containers are those made of HDPE and PET materials. High-density polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate are ideal and offer the best results.

What Type Of Container Can I Store Paint In

In fact, plastic containers are so effective and reliable. Some paint brands are even replacing paint cans with plastic containers.

In addition, you can use heavy-duty Tupperware type of plastic. Its waterproof and can withstand both oil-based and water-based paints.

You can be sure paints will not degrade the material of these plastics. While glass and metal containers can be used, they are heavy and bulky. Furthermore, glass poses a huge risk of easily breaking down.

Overall, when you have large paint quantities to store, PET and HDPE plastic materials are considered the best.

What if I have a small amount of paint leftover? In such cases, you can store the paint in mason jars, canning jars, and plastic coffee containers. The jars are transparent allowing you to see through and choose the right paint.

You dont have to open the lid and see the paint. This lets in air and can spoil your paint. A transparent container is considered the best since it allows you to see and select paint without opening the lid.

However, you need to ensure the jars and containers come with a good opening and an airtight lid. Wide openings allow for easy paint pouring. Airtight lids ensure the paint is protected from air staying fresh for longer.

Now that you know the right container to store paint, let’s see how you can store the paint.

How To Store Paint In Plastic Containers?

Taking the right steps to store the leftover paint will ensure it stays fresh for longer. Here are ways you can store paint in plastic containers.

First, you need to get a clean plastic container with an airtight seal. You need a container that will hold the paint without leaving too much air space inside.

Depending on the amount of paint left, you can choose a matching container. For example, small amounts of paint can be stored in small plastic jars with lids.

How To Store Paint In Plastic Containers

Start by washing the container and clearing all the dirt inside. Once the container is clean, make sure the lid is securely tight and prevent air leakages.

If the paint is exposed to air, it will likely go bad. Once youre sure the container will close tightly, transfer the leftover paint inside. If the opening is small, consider using a funnel to prevent paint from spilling.

Make sure you fill the container without leaving too much air space. This is why I recommended choosing a container that will fit the leftover paint. Overall, the paint should fill most of the container. You dont want to leave too much air space inside.

With the paint settled inside, use a plastic wrap and create an airtight seal around the lid. You want to make sure there is no air getting in and out. You can do this by spreading a piece of plastic paper over the opening before placing the lid.

Alternatively, you can use a plastic shopping bag to create an airtight seal. This is done by cutting a plastic shopping bag in the shape of the opening. The bag should be slightly larger than the opening. Place it on top of the opening and then close the lid.

Make sure you close the lid gently to avoid breaking the plastic bag. You want to make sure the seal is airtight.

Is the container transparent? If not, then you need to label it. On the label, note the color of the paint and where you bought it. This is necessary should you need more paint in the future.

Lastly, you need to choose a proper location to store the paint. Select a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Make sure the location has average temperatures that prevent the paint from overheating or freezing. Frozen paint separates and becomes permanently unusable.

Oil-based paints are not safe to store in homes. If you store them poorly, they can emit fumes or become a flammable posing danger to your family.

You can place the container in a damp-free area in your garage or basement.

Top tips to help store paint in plastic containers

  • You can add a few marbles into the paint to help in the mixing process when youre ready to use the paint. When shaking the paint for use, the Marples help the paint mix well
  • Avoid storing paint in extremely cold or hot places
  • Always label the plastic containers with the paint color, brand, and serial number
  • Always use airtight lids for sealing. You can also use caps with a twist top
  • Wipe away any excess paint around the container opening before storage
  • Fill the containers with paint without leaving air spaces inside
  • When opening the paint, smell it before using it to ensure it has not gone bad. You can also test the paint on a small piece of paper.

If the paint has gone bad, make sure you dispose of it in the correct way. However, if the paint was properly stored, it should be okay for use again.

Read More: How To Store Oil Paintings While Drying?

Key Takeaways:

  • Leftover paint after a project can be stored and used at a later date.
  • For paint to retain its features, it must be stored in airtight containers without air leaks.
  • Plastic containers are effective at storing excess paint as long you keep them airtight
  • The ideal conditions for stored oil are a damp-free location, cool, and away from direct sunlight. The location should also be at room temperature.


Well, thats it from me! It is a lot easier to store paint in plastic containers after finishing your painting project. The key to safe paint storage is limiting its exposure to air. Make sure you use airtight plastic containers and store the paint in a cool and dry place.

Every painter and DIY fanatic knows the importance of stored paint. It comes in handy when doing small touch-ups at home as opposed to buying brand new paint. As long the paint is properly stored, it can stay fresh for up to 3 years.

Randy CharlesProfessional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of PaintCentric.com, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years of experience in the painting industry, Randy has become an expert in the field and is passionate about helping others learn more about painting. He has written numerous articles on the subject and is committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information to his readers.

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