Can You Texture Over Paint?

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

Looking to add a charm to your walls? Adding texture to your walls can create the famous Old European-style looks of your home. Texturing your walls is a great way to add some ambiance to your home. However, most people are never sure whether they can texture over paint.

Can you texture over paint? You can texture over paint by using a variety of techniques. This can be done by spreading a texturing compound over paint and creating different patterns.

Before texturing over paint, you need to prepare the walls. Proper adhesion must be achieved between the wall surface and the plaster.

Key Points:

  • Texturing over paint adds a warm charm of the Old World European style to homes. It gives homes new ambiences and can be done over paint.
  • Texturing material should be similar to the drywall joint compound
  • Prepare the surface and choose the right technique to add texture over the paint to ensure proper adhesion
  • A primer can be used for added adhesion between texture material and the wall.

Looking to add some texture over paint in your home? Join me below as we learn more about how to apply a texture over paint.

Can You Texture Over Paint?

You can texture over paint with the right technique and achieve the desired pattern. Texturing over paint is an exciting way to give rooms new looks. The process is sophisticated but possible using paint texture or natural materials.

Can You Texture Over Paint

You can add stucco plasterwork or texture and create a charming wall surface. There are various techniques one can use to apply a texture over paint. You need texturing compound material that is identical to the drywall joint compound for maximum adherence.

However, a lot of preparation is needed when texturing over oil-based paint. In a short while, Ill show you how to texture over paint.

Why Should You Texture Your Walls?

But why would you want to texture your walls? Everything comes down to aesthetics! Who doesnt want a nice-looking room? Texturing walls has a lot of benefits. Apart from giving your room a completely new look, it can hide imperfections.

Why Should You Texture Your Walls

Creating textured walls has become pretty popular over the years. Textured walls can do a lot more to your home. Here are some major reasons to consider texturing your walls.

1. Adds style

Visual aesthetics remain the number one reason to texture your walls. Texture walls give you options to create as many patterns as possible. Its a great way to create a style that speaks your fashion.

You can easily create a variety of patterns and styles. Textured walls allow one to create a focal point in their home. Additionally, they allow one to add drama or anything that shows their personality.

Homeowners can easily draw attention to certain areas of their homes with textured walls. Overall, textured walls allow you to showcase your style.

However, you need a professional to bring out the exact looks in your home.

2. Hides imperfections

Secondly, textured walls allow homeowners to hide any imperfections on the walls. Usually, drywalls feature sheets with various sections on the ceilings and walls. Gaps between the sheets are usually taped by contractors.

When contractors do a great job, they achieve even and smooth surfaces. However, thats not the case in most constructions. Furthermore, it’s pretty difficult to hide small things like nail holes.

When you apply texture to walls, you easily get to hide such imperfections. In addition, any repairs to walls can be hidden with texture on the wall. If the wall is very smooth, any small cracks can easily be seen.

However, you can hide them by matching the cracks with a texture. Textured walls are very effective at hiding any repairs on the wall. If there are previous repairs, you can hide them with texture.

3. Adds dimension

The texture on walls can create some dimension to the wall. It is what is topmost on the wall and can add dimension to your room. Not everyone likes the sight of a plain flat wall. If you enjoy the look of different styles and patterns, then a textured wall is exactly what you need.

Overall, texture in a room is great and can add more than just aesthetics. It creates style, adds dimension, hides imperfections, and much more.

What Are The Different Types Of Wall Texture You Can Put?

So, if youre considering adding some texture to your walls, you need to be aware of the different types of wall textures. There are different types of wall textures to consider. Everything comes down to what suits your taste and preferences.

What Are The Different Types Of Wall Texture You Can Put

The good news is that there are varieties of wall textures to choose from. Lets have a look at the common ones.

Orange Peel

This is a subtle wall texture and a great alternative to flat walls. The orange peel wall texture is also known as the eggshell or splatter pattern.

The texture features a bumpy look more like the orange peel. Its a popular choice in most commercial homes. The texture hides imperfections and is quite easy to clean.


The knockdown is reminiscent of the skip trowels and stuccos. It features a rustic flat texture with some casual elegance. It is a versatile wall texture that suits most buildings.

The texture can help hide imperfections. However, its difficult to clean with dust easily hiding in the ridges.


The popcorn texture is pretty simple to create and a cheap option on the list. Its also called the acoustic texture and is a great choice for ceilings. The texture hides most imperfections. In addition, it offers some noise-damping properties making it a great choice.


The comb is a popular wall texture with lines of varying depths. The texture creates a series of repeated rainbow lines. It requires a drywall trowel and drywall compound to create.

You need a trowel with a series of small teeth to achieve desired results. At least two people are needed to achieve this pattern. You need one person to apply the mud while the other uses the roller.

Sand Swirl

If youre looking to add a feeling of individuality, then consider the sand swirl. You need a perlite compound with a wide 7-inch brush. Two people are needed to create this pattern.

You need one person rolling the primer while the other creates the pattern. A series of rounded hand motions are needed to create the patterns.

Slap Brush

This is a random texture with a variety of patterns created using a slap brush. The patterns can vary depending on the specific brush used. There is no specific pattern for this texture. You can twist the brush angle and create as many patterns as possible.


The rosebud wall texture uses a slap brush to create patterns of a rosebud. Circles are created in the mud with a series of repeated patterns. It is a great pattern to hide imperfections.

Crows Feet

The pattern appears like a crow’s feet, hence the name. Its created by applying wet mud to a wall using a brush with stiff bristles. While its a great pattern, its pretty hard to clean. This is because dust can easily settle on the grooves.

Well, these are some of the leading wall texture pattern types to consider. However, you can create just anything. Some patterns are a combination of the patterns above.

How To Apply Texture Over Painted Walls?

Now that you’ve known the major drywall texture patterns, its time to apply the texture patterns to your wall. How do you go about it?

Applying texture over painted walls involves preparing the wall surface, mixing the texture, and choosing an application technique.

How To Apply Texture Over Painted Walls

Here are the steps to follow.

Preparing The Surface

The first step is preparing the wall surface. You need to sand any gloss paint to ensure proper adhesion of the plaster or texture. Consider using chemical deglossers from the local hardware store.

Alternatively, you can wash the wall using strong trisodium phosphate, PSP solution. Afterward, rinse the walls and let them dry. Finish off by sanding the paint. Medium grit is recommended.

Make sure you wear masks to avoid breathing the dust paints. The paint might contain lead which is dangerous when inhaled.

Mixing The Texture

You need texturing material. Most professionals use mud or a joint compound. You can also use any all-purpose mixture which is mixed with water. Preparation involves getting the right consistency.

You need the texture to be thin as paint for excellent results. Test the texture on a wall surface before you can start applying it on the wall surface.

Application Technique

The last step is applying the texture to the wall. Here, a drywall trowel is the commonly used application technique. You need a small amount of the texture on the flat surface of the trowel. You can then swipe the trowel against the wall and create a pattern.

Thin layers of the texture are recommended. You need the surface plaster drying before a second layer can be added. You can also use a nap roller to apply the texture to the surface.

Depending on the type of pattern you want to achieve, use any matching brush. Also, remember to use a primer to enhance adherence.

Have A Look: How To Paint Over Gloss Paint?


Well, thats it from me! You now know you can texture over paint. If youre looking to create a unique interior wall finish, texture over paint is a great idea. Texture over paint is beneficial adding some dimension to your room, enhancing aesthetics, and hiding imperfections.

Make sure you choose a suitable drywall texture pattern and follow the steps above to apply it.

Randy CharlesProfessional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years of experience in the painting industry, Randy has become an expert in the field and is passionate about helping others learn more about painting. He has written numerous articles on the subject and is committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information to his readers.

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