How To Paint House Exterior With Sprayer?

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

Painting the outside of your house is difficult. It needs many hours and energy to do it right. Before you start, it’s essential to prepare the surface. This includes cleaning, priming, and sanding the exterior of your house. This way, the paint will stick better to the surface.

Spray Paint
Spray paint

Let’s go over the steps for preparing your home’s exterior for painting:

Clean the house exterior

Before starting to paint, prep the exterior of your house for spraying. Clear away any dirt, cobwebs, or debris. If you want to cover an old paint job, scrape off any paint chips. Get a pressure washer to help with the task and remove stubborn stains.

When your surface is prepped, it’s time to paint!

Repair any damages

Before you spray any exterior house paint, check for existing damage. You may need to scrape and sand wood surfaces or fill in cracks or holes. Even if the surface looks smooth, check for mold or mildew. If there is moisture, use a primer. Clean and dry the surface. Then, use a high-pressure washer to prep the exterior for painting.

Protect windows and doors.

Use painter’s tape and plastic sheeting to protect doors and windows before using a paint sprayer on the exterior of your house. Place the painter’s tape 1 inch away from areas you don’t want to be painted. Secure the plastic sheeting over doors or windows without sticking it directly against them. This prevents damage. Cut around pipes and protrusions with scissors or a knife. Cover all crevices, so no spills occur.

Now you are ready to start your project!


House Exterior With Spray
House exterior with spray

Priming your house exterior is very important before you paint. It creates a seal and a better adhesive base for the paint. Plus, it protects against weather and other elements.

Let’s go over the steps for priming your house exterior with a sprayer:

Select the right primer

Select a suitable primer for your house. It’s important to apply it correctly. Primer ensures paint sticks to the surface, protects it from moisture, hides imperfections, and prevents fading and color change.

Before applying primer:

  1. Clean surface from dust, flaking paint etc.
  2. Wash with mild dish soap and water
  3. Pressure wash chipping/peeling paint
  4. Let dry completely
  5. Light sand weathered surfaces/cracked areas
  6. Don’t use steel-wool cleaners
  7. Read product labels for cleaning additives
  8. Wear protective gear when spraying and use ventilation
  9. Clean tools immediately after use.

Apply primer with a brush or roller.

When it comes to priming, there are several choices. A brush or roller is best for most exterior walls. Ensure the surface is clean and dry, with no dirt or debris. Figure out how much primer you need for each paint job – usually two coats. Do not skimp on quality when buying brushes and rollers. Apply heavy strokes, but don’t overwork them.

Once applied, use a water dropper test to check for moisture penetration. Ensure all areas are sealed before beginning any other work.

Allow the primer to dry completely.

Once you’ve completed priming the house’s exterior, leave time for it to dry fully. Depending on the primer type, temperature and humidity, this could take two to four hours. Ask your paint supplier for precise drying periods according to the product guidelines.

To check that the primer is dry, put a piece of masking tape on it and remove it. If some primers come off with the tape, it’s not ready yet. The primer must be dry before applying one coat of paint. Otherwise, the result won’t be good.


Painting is a must for home upkeep. A paint sprayer can speed up the task and give an even, consistent coating that cannot be achieved with a roller or brush. To use a sprayer accurately, there are a few steps to take. This article will focus on how to paint a house exterior with a sprayer.

Choose the right paint.

When selecting paint for the outside of your home, there are key factors to consider. First, figure out what type of surface you’ll be painting. Use latex paints for wood siding, stucco, and brick. Oil-based paints are better for galvanized metal surfaces. Check the paint’s rating and choose a higher-grade product that withstands tough weather.

When using an exterior sprayer, pick a paint that dries fast. Look for outdoor products that offer high protection from sun fading. Choose a water and mildew-resistant modified latex or acrylic-based product with great leveling capabilities for a smooth finish. Lastly, ensure the paint color matches your home’s architecture and complements other features like roof color and window trims.

Set up the sprayer

Before you pick up the sprayer, start the painting process. Ensure the surface is clear of any dirt, mold, mildew, or anything else that would interfere. Scrape off any chipping paint to create a smooth base. Also, address any caulking needs.

Now, set up your paint sprayer. Gather necessary safety supplies like face masks and safety glasses. Fill it with exterior paint made for this job. Select a nozzle size that produces a wide pattern or adjustable fan patterns. Attach the hoses and check for leaks or debris before using them outside.

Apply the paint in even coats.

Once the house is ready, and the primer coat is on, you can start painting with a sprayer. To get a pro look, follow these steps for even coverage:

  1. Start at an unseen corner and move outwards. Move the sprayer back and forth to cover all areas. Don’t stop until you reach the next corner or edge.
  2. Overlap each spray pattern so no gaps or missed spots happen.
  3. Please turn off the machine to reduce paint buildup on the edges and corners when passing them. Then go back and finish with a brush.
  4. Spray in even coats; use multiple lights passes in each area. Wait for each layer to dry completely before applying the next (drying time = 12-24 hours). This way, all areas get an even amount of paint without streaks or drips.


Spray the house exterior. Finish it off with a brush or roller. For tricky areas, use a sprayer. Here are some tips to consider when painting with a sprayer:

  1. Don’t forget the edges.
  2. Reach difficult areas.
  3. Make sure it looks professional and pristine!

Let the paint dry completely.

Before judging the overall effect of painting your house exterior, let the paint dry completely. Applying multiple thin layers rather than a single thick one helps create an even and durable finish.

  • Make sure to wait 24 hours between each coat.
  • Use a brush or roller for the initial coats to avoid air bubbles or patchy areas.
  • For larger projects, use a sprayer for later coats to increase efficiency.
  • We use a sprayer to apply light layers with long intervals to avoid spatter or drip lines.

Lastly, please wait 24 hours for everything to dry before judging its uniformity or effectiveness.

Inspect the surface for any imperfections.

Before painting, inspect your home’s exterior for cracks, holes, damaged wood, or other imperfections. Fix surface issues before spraying paint. If nails and screws have been installed incorrectly, fill the holes with caulk or spackling paste and let them dry.

Clean the surface with a mild detergent and a pressure washer. Remove dirt, dust, and grime. If there are mildew spots, treat them with an appropriate cleaner according to instructions. After cleaning and drying, inspect again for any remaining imperfections. Fill in as needed before applying primer or paint.

Apply a second coat if necessary.

Wait 30 minutes to 4 hours for the first coat of paint to dry before applying the second—test for even coverage in outdoor light. A low spot, drip or uneven paint may need a second coat. Make sure all taped-off surfaces are properly covered. Wipe off any overspray with a damp cloth. Allow any caulking or filler to cure. Clean the sprayer tip with a mild soapy solution for 20-30 seconds. Change the filter frequently. Sand orange peel or other finish defects. Add a thin layer of primer if needed. Then paint again.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prepare the surface before painting with a sprayer?

It would be best if you began by cleaning the surface with a pressure washer or a garden hose. Then use a scraper to remove loose paint and sand any rough spots. Finally, use a primer to cover any stains or discoloration.

What kind of paint should I use for the exterior of my house?

It would be best to use high-quality exterior paint designed for outdoor use. Make sure to choose a paint resistant to fading, mildew, and moisture, as well as one formulated for the surface you’re painting.

What safety precautions should be taken when using a paint sprayer?

Wear protective gear such as goggles, a face mask, and gloves when using a paint sprayer. Additionally, you should work in a well-ventilated area and avoid breathing in any paint fumes.

Randy CharlesProfessional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years of experience in the painting industry, Randy has become an expert in the field and is passionate about helping others learn more about painting. He has written numerous articles on the subject and is committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information to his readers.

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