How to Remove Silicone from Acrylic Painting?

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

Silicone oil is a crucial component in acrylic pouring. The medium helps stretch the acrylic paint and change its consistency when creating a masterpiece. Learning how to remove silicone from acrylic painting is a must before varnishing.

Removing silicone from acrylic paintings is super easy with household items. These substances remove the silicone remnants to make your painting sparingly clean and vibrant. Take the time to read this article and learn how to remove silicone from poured painting.

How Does Silicone Affect Acrylic Paint?

Most silicone oil stays within the matrix of the painting and results in film formation. The oil from the silicone is heavy and will never evaporate.

How Does Silicone Affect Acrylic Paint

So, how does silicone affect acrylic paint? The silicone oil usually rises to the surface and causes movement within the paint. Torching the colors will result in several small cells.

These small cells are due to oil impediment in the inter-coat adhesion between the subsequent product layers and pour surface. These several cells make it challenging to varnish the art.

Many artists use silicone to create beautiful cells in their paintings. However, maintaining a perfect consistency will require the best pouring medium and a set of skills.

Otherwise, the oil from the silicone will result in separate layers that produce many tiny cells rather than a few larger cells. I recommend using a few drops of silicone during acrylic pouring.

Remember to remove the silicone remnants from the surface before painting. Failure to remove the silicone, the paint wont stick during the pouring.

Use a varnish or enamel spray to seal the acrylic paints. These components also help restore the luminosity of colors in your acrylic pouring paintings.

If your acrylic pouring paintings have many small cells, use a torch and add alcohol. It will result in a few large cells in the acrylic pouring.

How to Remove Silicone from Acrylic Painting?

Silicone is oily and a non-drying greasy substance. Many artists add a few drops to acrylic paintings to stretch the colors and attain consistency. The silicone oil rises to the surface once the acrylic paintings become dry. It results in the creation of circular holes and reveals underneath layers.

How To Remove Silicone From Acrylic Painting

But the greasy film can affect the dramatic and beautiful results. Below are quick steps on how to remove silicone from acrylic painting:

Method 1

I prefer using this method of removing silicone from acrylic painting due to its simplicity. It involves the use of household items and other readily available products. Lets find out:

Step 1

Avail talc and cornstarch to absorb the silicone oil. Find a spacious place and lay down a drop cloth since the process will be messy.

Step 2

Sprinkle the talc and cornstarch on the acrylic paintings. Use a brush or finger to rub the powder into your masterpiece. Try to be gentle and exercise ultimate care to avoid being messy.

Step 3

Allow the powder to sit in the acrylic pouring painting for few minutes. Use a toothbrush or paintbrush to brush off all the powder.

Step 4

Take the time to inspect and examine the painting surface for hidden oil remnants. Repeat steps two and three until there is no more silicone oil on the surface of the painting.

Step 4

Use a damp cloth to wipe down the painting to remove all the powder particles. Allow the acrylic paint project to sit in a dust-free area. It will result in a few large cells and a display of underneath layers.

Also Read: How to remove paint from a vehicle?

Method 2

It is a wet method for removing silicon from acrylic painting and involves the use of household items. The option is super messy when compared to the previous one.

Step 1

Avail dish soap, Windex, alcohol, and any other product suitable for removing silicone oil from the acrylic paintings.

Step 2

Pour one or two tablespoon of dish soap in a cup of warm water and mix. Ensure the mixture forms lather before using it.

Step 3

Fold a paper towel and dip it in the soap solution. Squeeze out excess water and wipe down your acrylic painting to remove the oil substances.

If there are many light pigment transfers, stop the process and allow the acrylic paint to dry for two weeks. It will help inhibit the destruction of your acrylic paint masterpiece.

Step 4

Use a dry paper towel to wipe off the excess water and soap. Use another damp paper towel to wipe down the painting.

Squeeze the paper towel after dipping in water and wipe the masterpiece again. Repeat the process until the entire silicone residue leaves the surface.

Step 5

Allow the acrylic paintings to dry for 12 to 15 hours. Inspect the project in an area with plenty of natural light. Investigate any evidence of the silicone oil from the cracks or cervices.

Repeat step 3 and 4 through 5 if you notice some oil remnants. The aim is to ensure there is no silicone oil remaining in the painting surface.

Step 6

If the dish soap solution is strong, add two drops of Windex or alcohol and follow the above steps for removing silicone from acrylic painting.

Replenish the substances in the solution since they are vulnerable to evaporation. Be careful since too much Windex or alcohol will ruin your canvas.

Step 7

Allow the painting to dry for a week and apply an isolation coat. It helps remove the remaining silicone oil and also ensures the varnish stick to the painting surface.


Silicone is the best pouring medium for creating beautiful cells on the acrylic pour. It also enhances perfect consistency without creating separate layers that produce several small cells. But the silicone oil does not evaporate from the paint. It causes film formation that ruins the acrylic colors in your masterpiece.

I recommend learning how to remove silicone from acrylic painting. It helps restore the original vibrant and beautiful colors.

Follow all the recommended steps in this guide and make your acrylic painting projects stand out from others. Feel free to share this article with other painting enthusiasts in your communities.

Randy CharlesProfessional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years of experience in the painting industry, Randy has become an expert in the field and is passionate about helping others learn more about painting. He has written numerous articles on the subject and is committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information to his readers.

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