How To Make Lime Green Paint?

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

There is no limitation to where and how you can exhibit your craft or artistic talent. One of the ways is through the making of paints. Unfortunately, not all artists or craft personnel know how to make paint, and with my experience in this field, I will share how to make lime green paint on this page.

If you want to make lime green paint, you need a mixture of two paints. The right proportion of the mixture will help you get the right result. You have to mix blue paint with yellow to make green paint, and then you add yellow paint to the green to get the lime green.

What Colors Make Lime Green?

Lime green is a secondary color, making it from two primary colors. Making lime green requires mixing blue and yellow paint. How to make lime green depends on whether youre working with physical paint or digital coloring programs.

To make lime green, mix yellow and blue together in a 2:1 ratio to get a bright, vibrant shade of a lime. Adding more yellow than blue will create a more chartreuse color.

What Colors Make Lime Green

You should know that Lime green color is one of those colors that you cannot just arrive at without the mixture of two components in which one must be added to the other to get the actual lime green color. Two main components are green and yellow.

These two colors will give you a lime green color if added in the right proportion. A slight variation of these two colors will lead to a different combination of the lime green color.

Ingredients For Making Lime Green Paint

If you want to make lime green paint yourself, you need the following ingredients.

  • Yellow paint: It is one of the important ingredients as you need to mix it with blue in the right proportion to make the green paint.
  • Blue paint: It is also an important ingredient as you will almost find it hard to get the green color without the blue paint. You have to mix it with the yellow color to form the green color.
  • Bucket: It is an important ingredient whenever you want to mix the two paints. You need a platform to mix the two paints, and the best is to get a bowl or bucket.
  • Stirrer: You can choose to use your hand to stir the paints, but using a stirrer for the task will be more effective. Once you have the blue and yellow paint in a bucket or bowl, you need the stirrer to stir them evenly to get the green color.

How To Make Lime Green Paint?

If you want to make lime green paint, then you should follow the instruction below:

How To Make Lime Green Paint

Get the paints and mix

You need to get the right paint for the task. For example, to get the green color for your paint, you need a mixture of two paints, and they are blue and yellow. Therefore, you need to get the two paints.

Once you have got the paint, you should pour the two paints into your bucket or bowl, where you will stir the paints evenly to make a green color.

Mixing the yellow and blue colors of the paint will give you a green outcome.

Add Yellow paint to the mixture

The next thing is that you need to add yellow paint to the mixture to get the lime green. Again, you need to do this in small quantities until you get the lime color. Try as much as possible to note the ratio of your mixture, as that will help you make a quick one next time you try to get lime green paint.


Mixing colors to get color is not difficult, but doing so with the wrong ratio will give a wrong outcome. Therefore, you need to get the right ratio of mixing yellow to the green paint to get lime green paint. This page on how to make lime green paint has explained it all in detail. You should try this method with little quantity before mixing your paint completely.

Randy CharlesProfessional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years of experience in the painting industry, Randy has become an expert in the field and is passionate about helping others learn more about painting. He has written numerous articles on the subject and is committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information to his readers.

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