Is Rustoleum Spray Paint Safe For Baby Furniture?

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

Creating a safe and nurturing environment for your little one includes every detail, even down to the furniture paint. Parents are often concerned about the safety of materials used around babies, including paints like Rustoleum’s popular spray options.

This article delves into whether Rustoleum spray paints are a secure choice for your baby’s crib or toy chest, offering insights on types, safety measures, and application procedures.

Rest assured; we’ll guide you to make the safest pick for your peace of mind. Keep reading—baby’s cozy corner depends on it!

What is Rustoleum?

Rust-Oleum® is a top producer of protective paints and coatings. Their products are made to boost efficiency, reduce prices, improve safety and guard against rust, abrasions, corrosion, UV light and other harsh conditions. They offer a wide array of innovative coatings for any project.

Is Rustoleum Spray Paint

Rust-Oleum is perfect for outdoors because it guards against wind, rain and sun. It also gives a beautiful finish indoors, such as on kitchen cabinets or baby furniture. The paint forms a coating that stays put without seeping in edges or cracks. Rust-Oleum also doesn’t fade in strong UV light, which makes it ideal for kitchens with large windows or conservatories.

Rustoleum offers a variety of spray paint options, including non-toxic and low VOC formulas that are suitable for use on baby furniture. Understanding the different types of Rustoleum spray paints available is essential for ensuring the safety of your little one’s belongings.

Available Paint Types

There are different Rust-Oleum paint types for sprucing up baby furniture. You can pick from options like chalk paint, which is easy to use and dries fast. Chalk paint gives a smooth, matte finish that looks great on cribs and dressers.

Another choice is acrylic paint that dries quickly too and comes in many colors.

Some paints have low VOC levels, meaning they don’t give off strong smells or harmful air pollution indoors. It’s good to know that Rust-Oleum offers non-toxic versions which are safer for baby items like cribs and high chairs.

Always look for labels saying “low VOC” or “non-toxic” before buying the paint you need for baby furniture projects.

Non-Toxic and Low VOC Options

For baby furniture, it’s smart to choose non-toxic paints. These are the safe kind that don’t have high levels of VOCs. VOCs are chemicals that can be bad for health and they make the air inside not so good to breathe.

Non-hazardous or no-VOC options mean there is very little smell and they’re better for your baby’s room. Waterborne paints also fall into this group because they use water instead of harmful stuff to carry the paint color.

Using low odor, non-toxic spray paint makes sure you keep your baby’s space clean and free from bad air pollution. They dry a bit slower than other kinds but being patient means keeping your child safe.

Now let’s get ready to paint by looking at how best to prepare your baby’s crib and furniture!

What types of Rustoleum paint are available?

Rustoleum is a well-known brand of paint and coating products. They offer many items to fit different situations, surfaces and needs. Their range includes aerosols, enamels, rust reformers, and primers.

The most popular Rustoleum paints are enamel spray paint, available in various colors; oil-based primers for a strong bond; and specialty sprays for detailed projects. Also, there are brush paints for delicate areas or areas where more control is not needed. Furthermore, rust reformers are specifically made to stop corrosion.

You can find the right type and color you need. Different finishes are available too – gloss, satin/matte, hammered paint, distressed looks, and high-heat protective coatings. So, you can get the desired look for your painting project! To know more about their products, visit:

Safety Considerations

When it comes to using Rustoleum spray paint on baby furniture, it’s important to consider potential risks and take necessary precautions. Understanding the safety measures and best practices for application is key in ensuring a safe environment for your little one.

Potential Risks and Precautions

Rustoleum spray paint contains Ethylbenzene, which can be harmful. Breathing in the fumes might hurt your lungs and even cause cancer if you’re around too much of it. Since this paint is very flammable, it could catch fire or explode if it’s near a spark.

You need to be careful when using Rustoleum on baby furniture. Always use spray paint in a well-ventilated area to keep from breathing in too many fumes. Wear protective gear like face masks and clothing that covers your skin.

Keep the room airy while painting and after, until the smell is gone. Make sure there are no flames or sparks anywhere close by before you start painting. Only use Rustoleum when you know how to do it safely for everyone, including babies.

Best Practices for Safe Application

To ensure the safe application of Rustoleum spray paint on baby furniture, it is important to work in a well-ventilated area to minimize inhalation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Before painting, prepare the surface by sanding it lightly with fine-grit sandpaper and cleaning it thoroughly. It’s essential to wear protective clothing, gloves, eye protection, and face protection when handling the paint.

Additionally, allow sufficient drying time as per the manufacturer’s instructions before placing any items near or on the painted furniture.

After applying Rustoleum spray paint, ensure that the painted baby furniture is left undisturbed for at least 24 hours to allow complete drying. Once dried, regularly clean the furniture using mild soap and water to maintain its appearance without compromising safety.

Is it safe for baby furniture?

Worried about your baby’s furniture? Rustoleum spray paint is great! It has no toxic chemicals or VOCs. Plus, no lead or chromium compounds. This paint dries quickly & has a strong, long-lasting finish. It’s also durable and won’t chip or peel.

Is Rustoleum Spray Paint Safe For Baby Furniture

When painting baby furniture with Rustoleum paint, you must properly prepare the surface first. Use a low-pressure spray gun for an even coat. Ensure there are enough coats to fully cover the furniture. Let each coat dry before adding another. Then, make sure there are no fumes left before taking it back to the nursery.

With the right steps, Rustoleum spray paint is safe to use in your home!

What are the potential risks of using Rustoleum paint on baby furniture?

Safety should always be a priority when painting baby furniture. Rustoleum paint is compliant with VOC requirements and has lower levels of hazardous substances, but potential risks remain. Take precautions to ensure the safest possible environment.

  • Read and understand the label instructions on the container for proper usage and application.
  • Wear protective gear, including face masks, gloves, goggles and long-sleeved clothing.
  • Open windows and doors when applying and wait for surfaces to dry before allowing children near them.
  • Avoid decorative finishes such as metallic or Pearlescent colors due to their higher levels of VOCs.
  • Comforting colors like blues and greens provide a unique look without compromising safety.
  • Before committing, check the ingredients list to select a product that offers good performance and protects your family’s health.

What are the best practices for using it on baby furniture?

When spraying Rustoleum paint onto baby furniture, it is important to be aware of potential hazards. Follow these best practices for both your safety and the furniture’s:

  1. Clean the surface of dirt, dust, or residue. Also inspect for any chipping paint or rust.
  2. Ventilate the area and put down protective coverings, like drop cloths, newspaper, or a tarp.
  3. Wear protective clothing like long sleeves, gloves, and goggles. Keep children out of the room and no open flames nearby.
  4. Use non-toxic paint specifically made for baby furniture. Note: Rustoleum spray paint contains Prop65 listed chemicals, check labels.
  5. Read manufacturer’s instructions carefully and follow all steps correctly. Shake cans vigorously and hold them away from the surface at the right angle for a smooth finish.

Preparation and Application

Spray painting baby furniture? Key: prep! Clean surface, no dirt, dust, or debris. Primer must be used before Rustoleum spray paint. For best results, use several light coats of paint instead of one heavy coat.

Let’s discuss the prep and application of Rustoleum spray paint for baby furniture.

How to prepare the baby furniture for painting

Before painting your baby furniture, prepare the surface. It’s essential for a long-lasting finish.

  1. Start by ensuring the furniture is clean and free of dirt. Vacuum, wash with warm water and a mild detergent, or wipe with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Look for signs of tarnishing or discoloration. Sand away any chipping paint, peeling paint, or rust spots. Use fine-grit sandpaper for a smooth, textured finish. Don’t forget the nooks and crannies where dust may have settled.
  3. Finally, wipe down the surface with wax-free turpentine or rubbing alcohol vapors. This helps remove fine dust particles left after sanding. Then, use painter’s tape along edges for neat lines when painting.

Application tips for Rustoleum paint

When painting baby furniture, pick paint that’s non-toxic and safe for kids’ skin. Rustoleum has many paints for furniture, some specially made for babies. Check the product label to make sure it is suitable.

Before you start, wear protective gear like gloves, an apron or old clothes, and safety glasses when dealing with spray paints. Clean the furniture with soap and water.

Apply multiple light coats instead of one thick one. This will prevent runs and drips. Allow time for each coat to dry. Check the can instructions for the dry time.

Once all coats are on, let it cure. Rustoleum spray paints can be left to cure or hardened with baking or in special devices from hobby stores.

Clean Up and Maintenance

Safety is key when cleaning and looking after baby furniture. But, is Rustoleum spray paint okay to use? Let’s weigh up the advantages and disadvantages. So, you can decide if it’s the right option for you.

How to clean up after painting

Once painting is done, it’s clean-up time! Cleaning baby furniture sprayed with Rustoleum is a breeze.

  • Lay newspapers or drop cloths to protect surfaces.
  • Then, use a paint scraper or putty knife to scrape off excess paint. Hold a damp cloth in one hand while you scrape with the other.
  • If there are still unpainted spots, use 200-grit sandpaper to blend them in.
  • Clear away debris and dispose responsibly.
  • Finally, seal your work for protection and enjoy!

How to maintain the painted baby furniture

To keep painted baby furniture in good condition, there are a few steps you can take:

  • Clean it with mild soap and warm water and apply a protective coating to help prolong its life and keep your baby safe.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasives. Wipe down with a damp cloth, then dry.
  • After that, apply a sealant such as polyurethane or varnish.

It is not recommended to use Rust-Oleum spray paint on baby furniture due to the possibility of fumes. If you must use it, read all directions first and wait for the paint to dry. Then make sure the area is well ventilated until all fumes dissipate. Apply several coats of sealant for extra protection.


Exploring Rustoleum spray paint on baby furniture – what are the pros and cons?

  • Safe, as long as safety measures are taken.
  • Fumes and odours might be a concern but, ventilate the area and avoid health risks.
  • Rustoleum painteasy to apply and durable. Perfect for sprucing up baby furniture!

Rustoleum spray paint is an effortless and budget-friendly way to modernize baby furniture. It is a dependable option for painting wood furniture, but take safety precautions for your baby’s health and the furniture. Use a non-toxic, Low VOC/Non-Toxic/Non-Hazardous or No VOC/Waterborne/Non-Hazmat paint.

Follow instructions on the label. Ventilate the area well before and during the job. Don’t let anyone sleep in the room until all fumes have gone (up to 4 days). Don’t put painted surfaces directly onto baby bedding or fabrics in the nursery. Open windows when finished and wait for fresh air before putting anything on your work. Consider giving furniture an extra coat of polyurethane sealant after all coats of paint are applied. This protects against scratches and chemicals.

Non-toxic doesn’t mean indestructible, still avoid sharp objects and acids that could harm the paint. Rustoleum spray paints are a safe way to change baby furniture and get amazing results!

Frequently Asked Questions

What precautions should I take when painting baby furniture with Rustoleum Spray Paint?

Before painting baby furniture with Rustoleum Spray Paint, it is important to thoroughly clean the furniture of any dust, grease, and other contaminants. It is also important to use the correct amount of paint and to allow the paint to dry completely between coats. It is also important to make sure that the area is well-ventilated and that all safety precautions are followed.

How long does Rustoleum Spray Paint take to dry?

Rustoleum Spray Paint typically takes around 1-2 hours to dry. It is important to allow the paint to dry completely between coats and to make sure that the area is well ventilated.

Randy CharlesProfessional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years of experience in the painting industry, Randy has become an expert in the field and is passionate about helping others learn more about painting. He has written numerous articles on the subject and is committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information to his readers.

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