Can you Paint Bathroom Tile? – Get Your Answer Here

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

Is your bathroom tile looking drab and outdated? You might be surprised to learn that it’s possible to paint bathroom tiles for a fresh, updated look.

Paint Bathroom Tile

This article will guide you through the process of painting bathroom tiles step-by-step from preparation to sealing, including essential materials needed.

Keep reading; your dazzling new bathroom may just be a coat of paint away!

Pros and Cons of Painting Bathroom Tiles

Painting bathroom tiles offers cost-effectiveness and versatility in design, allowing for a temporary solution to outdated or worn-out tiles. However, achieving a professional finish can be challenging.


Painting bathroom tiles helps you save money. This change can make your bathroom look new without a big cost.

You don’t need to buy new tiles or pay someone else to do the work. A paint job uses less money and time than a full tile replacement.

It’s great for anyone on a budget who wants to give their old tiles a fresh, clean look. This way, you can update your bathroom while keeping your wallet happy too!

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Versatility in design

You can change the look of your bathroom with paint. The color choice is up to you. You might like a bold red or a cool blue. Maybe you want to make your tiles have some texture by using brushes in different ways.

Changing your tile color can also help match new decor in your space. If you get tired of the look, just paint it again! Tile painting offers endless choices for style and design.

Temporary solution

You can use paint to freshen up your bathroom tiles. This fix is fast and easy on the pocket. Tile paint lets you change the look of your space without much work. But it doesn’t last forever like new tiles would.

You will need to touch it up or repaint it after some time.

Difficulty in achieving a professional finish

Painting bathroom tiles can be a DIY project, but achieving a professional finish may be challenging for amateur painters. One of the main difficulties is ensuring that the paint adheres properly to the tile surface.

To overcome this challenge, it is essential to start with thorough surface preparation, including cleaning and sanding the tiles to create a rough texture for better paint adhesion.

Additionally, choosing the right type of paint and applying multiple coats evenly can help achieve a smoother and more professional-looking finish.

Following these steps diligently and having patience during the drying and curing process will significantly improve the final result of your painted bathroom tiles.

Steps to Paint Bathroom Tiles

To paint bathroom tiles, you need to prepare the surface, choose the right type of paint, apply primer and multiple coats, and allow sufficient drying and curing time. Find out more about these essential steps to achieve a beautiful painted tile finish in your bathroom.

Surface preparation

Before you start painting bathroom tiles, it’s important to prepare the surface properly. First, clean the tiles thoroughly to remove any dirt, grease, or soap residue. You can use a mild detergent and warm water for this.

Make sure to rinse off the cleaning solution and allow the tiles to dry completely.

Next, use sandpaper or an abrasive pad to lightly roughen up the tile surface. This will help the paint adhere better. Be gentle while doing this so you don’t damage the tiles.

After sanding, wipe away any dust with a damp cloth and let it dry again. It’s crucial to have a clean and dry surface before moving on to applying primer and paint.

Choosing the right type of paint

When it comes to choosing the right type of paint for painting bathroom tiles, you have a few options. Latex or epoxy paint can be used for ceramic, porcelain, and unglazed quarry tile.

One-part or two-part varieties are available. Epoxy paint is durable and provides a long-lasting finish, but it requires mixing before application.

Latex paint is easier to use as it doesn’t require mixing but may not be as resistant to moisture and wear.

It’s important to consider the specific needs of your bathroom when making the choice.

Applying primer and multiple coats

To ensure a successful paint job on bathroom tiles, it’s important to apply primer and multiple coats of paint. Primer helps the paint adhere better to the tile surface and creates a smooth base for painting.

Start by cleaning the tiles thoroughly and sanding them lightly to remove any gloss or rough spots. Then, apply a coat of primer using a brush or roller, making sure to cover the entire tile surface evenly.

Allow it to dry completely before applying additional coats of primer if needed. After that, start with the first coat of paint, using long strokes in one direction for an even finish.

Allowing sufficient drying and curing time

After you have finished painting your bathroom tiles, it is important to give them enough time to dry and cure properly. This will ensure that the paint adheres well to the surface and avoids any smudging or damage.

The drying time will depend on the type of paint you used, so make sure to check the instructions on the can.

In general, latex paints may take around 24-48 hours to dry completely, while epoxy paints might require a longer curing time of up to several days.

During this period, avoid touching or using the painted tiles as much as possible. It’s also important to keep the bathroom well-ventilated during the drying process for better air circulation and faster evaporation of moisture.

Materials and Tools Needed for Painting Bathroom Tiles

To paint bathroom tiles, you will need cleaning supplies, sandpaper or an abrasive pad, paintbrushes and rollers, paint and primer, as well as a topcoat or sealant.

Cleaning supplies

To paint bathroom tiles, you’ll need some cleaning supplies to make sure the surface is clean and ready for painting.

Start by gathering dish soap or a grease-cutting cleaner, a scrub brush or sponge, and a bucket of warm water.

Use these supplies to thoroughly clean the tiles and remove any dirt, grease, or grime. Make sure to rinse the tiles well with clean water afterward and let them dry completely before moving on to the next steps.

Sandpaper or abrasive pad

To prepare the bathroom tiles for painting, you will need sandpaper or an abrasive pad. This helps to roughen up the surface of the tile, allowing the paint to adhere better.

You can use a medium grit sandpaper (around 120-150) or a non-woven abrasive pad.

Gently sand the tiles in a circular motion until they feel slightly rough to the touch. Be careful not to press too hard and damage the tiles. Sanding helps remove any glossy finish and create texture for better paint adhesion.

Paintbrushes and rollers

To paint bathroom tiles, you will need some specific materials and tools. Firstly, make sure you have a good set of paintbrushes and rollers. These will help you apply the paint smoothly and evenly onto the tiles.

For smaller areas or detailed work, use a small paintbrush to carefully cover the edges and corners. A roller is great for larger sections of the tile surface, as it can cover more area quickly.

Remember to choose brushes and rollers that are suitable for the type of paint you’ll be using on your bathroom tiles – latex or epoxy.

Paint and primer

To paint bathroom tiles, you will need both paint and primer. Primer helps the paint adhere better to the tile surface and ensures a more durable finish.

It is recommended to use a high-quality primer specifically designed for tile painting.

Apply two coats of primer using a brush or roller, making sure to cover the entire surface evenly. Allow sufficient drying time between each coat. Once the primer is dry, you can start applying your chosen paint color over it.

Use a brush or roller for this step as well, and apply multiple thin coats for best results. Remember to let each coat dry completely before adding another one.

Keep in mind that different types of paints may be suitable for painting bathroom tiles, such as latex or epoxy paints in one-part or two-part varieties.

Epoxy paint offers excellent adhesion and durability but requires careful mixing and application according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Topcoat or sealant

After applying the paint to your bathroom tiles, it’s important to use a topcoat or sealant. This will provide a protective layer and help prevent chipping, peeling, and water damage.

A clear polyurethane topcoat is often recommended for this purpose. It adds durability to the painted surface and makes it easier to clean.

Make sure the paint is completely dry before applying the topcoat, and follow the instructions on the product label for best results.

By using a topcoat or sealant, you can prolong the lifespan of your painted bathroom tiles and keep them looking fresh for longer.

Alternatives to Painting Bathroom Tiles

Tile refinishing or reglazing can provide a more long-lasting solution, while tile overlays or decals offer a quick and inexpensive way to update the look of bathroom tiles. Moreover, for a complete transformation, considering tile replacement may be necessary.

Tile refinishing or reglazing

If you don’t want to paint your bathroom tiles, an alternative option is tile refinishing or reglazing. This process involves applying a new surface coating to the existing tiles to give them a fresh and updated appearance.

It can be done on ceramic, porcelain, or even fiberglass tiles. Tile refinishing is a cost-effective solution that can save you time and money compared to replacing the tiles entirely.

It also allows you to change the color or finish of your tiles without the hassle of removing and installing new ones. Professional tile refinishers use specialized materials and techniques to ensure a durable and long-lasting result.

Tile overlays or decals

If you’re not ready to commit to painting your bathroom tiles or if you’re looking for a temporary solution, tile overlays or decals might be a good option.

Tile overlays are thin sheets of material that can be applied directly over your existing tiles to give them a new look.

They come in different designs and patterns, allowing you to customize the appearance of your bathroom without the need for paint. Decals, on the other hand, are adhesive stickers that can be applied to the surface of your tiles.

They also come in various styles and colors, giving you plenty of options to choose from. Both tile overlays and decals offer a quick and easy way to update the look of your bathroom without the mess or commitment of paint.

Tile replacement

If painting your bathroom tiles doesn’t sound like the right option for you, another alternative is tile replacement. This involves removing the old tiles and replacing them with new ones.

While it may require more time, effort, and potentially cost compared to painting, replacing the tiles can completely transform your bathroom’s appearance.

You can choose from a wide variety of styles and materials to suit your preferences and budget.

Just keep in mind that this option may be more suitable for those who are comfortable with DIY projects or have experience working with tile installation.

Maintenance and Longevity of Painted Bathroom Tiles

Taking proper care of painted bathroom tiles and following maintenance instructions can help extend their lifespan, ensuring a beautiful and durable surface for years to come.

Want to learn more about how to maintain and keep your painted bathroom tiles looking fresh? Keep reading!

Care instructions

To ensure your painted bathroom tiles stay in great condition, follow these care instructions:

  1. Regular cleaning: Clean your painted bathroom tiles regularly using a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge. This will help remove any dirt or grime without damaging the paint.
  2. Avoid harsh chemicals: Avoid using harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaners, or scrub brushes on the painted tiles. These can cause the paint to chip or fade over time.
  3. Gentle cleaning techniques: When cleaning your painted bathroom tiles, use gentle wiping motions instead of vigorous scrubbing. This will help preserve the paint finish and prevent any unnecessary wear and tear.
  4. Keep moisture in check: Excess moisture can potentially damage the paint on your bathroom tiles. Be sure to keep the bathroom well-ventilated and wipe up any excess water after showering or bathing.
  5. Touch-ups when needed: Over time, you may notice some areas where the paint has chipped or worn off. To maintain the appearance of your painted tiles, touch up these areas with a small brush and matching paint color.
  6. Protective topcoat: Consider applying a protective topcoat or sealant over the painted bathroom tiles to provide an extra layer of durability and protection against stains and moisture.

Expected lifespan

After painting bathroom tiles, you can expect the paint to last for several years. However, it’s important to note that the lifespan of painted bathroom tiles can vary depending on factors such as the quality of paint used and how well the surface was prepared before painting.

With proper care and maintenance, painted bathroom tiles can maintain their appearance for five to ten years or even longer. It’s a good idea to avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals or abrasive cleaners on painted tiles, as this can diminish their longevity.

If you start noticing signs of wear and tear, such as chipping or peeling paint, it may be time to repaint or consider other alternatives like tile refinishing or replacement.

Signs for repainting or retiling

Signs that it’s time to repaint or re-tile your bathroom:

  1. Faded or peeling paint: If the paint on your bathroom tiles is starting to fade, chip, or peel, it’s a sign that it’s time for a fresh coat of paint or new tiles.
  2. Stains and discoloration: Stubborn stains and discoloration that can’t be cleaned off are a clear indication that your bathroom tiles need some attention.
  3. Wear and tear: If the tiles in your bathroom are scratched, cracked, or have become dull over time, it may be necessary to repaint or replace them.
  4. Outdated design: If you’re tired of the look of your bathroom tiles and they no longer match your style preferences, painting or replacing them can give your space an updated look.
  5. Mold and mildew growth: Excessive mold and mildew growth on the tiles is not only unsightly but also a health hazard. Repainting or re-tiling can help eliminate these issues.


Yes, you can definitely paint bathroom tiles! It’s a cost-effective way to update your space and give it a fresh new look. Just make sure to follow the proper steps, such as surface preparation and choosing the right type of paint, for a successful and long-lasting result.

So go ahead and get creative with your bathroom tile painting project!


Can you paint bathroom tile?

Yes, it is possible to paint bathroom tile to change its color or appearance.

Do I need to prepare the bathroom tile before painting?

Yes, proper preparation is important when painting bathroom tile. This includes cleaning the tiles thoroughly and priming them for better adhesion.

What type of paint should I use for painting bathroom tile?

It is recommended to use a specialized epoxy or tub-and-tile paint that is designed for high-moisture areas like bathrooms.

How long does it take to dry and cure painted bathroom tile?

The drying time can vary depending on the specific product used, but generally, it takes around 24-48 hours for the paint to dry completely. Curing can take up to a week or longer before the painted surface becomes fully durable.

Is it necessary to seal painted bathroom tile?

Sealing painted bathroom tile is not always necessary but can provide an extra layer of protection against moisture and wear over time. It’s best to consult with a professional or follow the manufacturer’s instructions for specific products used in order to make an informed decision about sealing.

Randy CharlesProfessional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years of experience in the painting industry, Randy has become an expert in the field and is passionate about helping others learn more about painting. He has written numerous articles on the subject and is committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information to his readers.

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