Eco-Friendly Solution: Create Your Own Homemade Paint Deglosser

Randy Charles
Professional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years...Read more

When you need to repaint something, the shiny finish on the old paint can be a problem. This is where a paint deglosser helps. It’s a liquid that makes the shiny surface dull. This means the new paint sticks better. Usually, people buy deglossers from a store. But what if you can make it at home?

I tried making a paint deglosser myself. It’s not hard and uses things you might already have at home. This homemade deglosser works just like the ones you buy, but it’s cheaper and uses less strong chemicals. It’s good if you like doing things yourself or want to use less harsh stuff.

In this guide, I will show you how to make your deglosser. I will tell you what you need and how to mix it.

What Is a Paint Deglosser?

Homemade Paint Deglosser

A paint deglosser is a special liquid that takes the shine off painted surfaces. This is useful if you want to repaint something that already has a glossy finish. When you paint over a shiny surface without using a deglosser, the new paint might not stick well. This can cause peeling or chipping later. The deglosser works by softening the old paint, making its surface less shiny and more suitable for a new coat of paint. It’s like preparing a canvas before you start a painting.

Typically, paint deglossers are chemical solutions, but it’s possible to make a more natural version at home. Using a homemade deglosser can be safer and more eco-friendly while still providing the results you need.

if you have a piece of furniture that’s painted and you want to change its color or refresh its look. Using a deglosser means your new paint will go on smoothly and stick better.

Why Should You Use a Homemade Paint Deglosser?

Make a paint deglosser at home to save money. You use simple things like baking soda or vinegar, which are cheap and usually in your house. This way, you don’t spend extra on store-bought deglossers. You make only what you need, so no waste. This choice saves money and gives good results.

A homemade paint deglosser is good for the earth. Store deglossers often have strong chemicals that hurt the environment. But if you make it at home, you use safe, everyday items. This means less harmful stuff goes into the earth. Making deglosser this way helps keep the planet clean.

A deglosser you make at home is safer, especially if kids or pets are around. Store ones can have dangerous fumes and cause skin problems. With a homemade one, you avoid these risks. This keeps your home safe while you work on your projects.

You find the things for a homemade deglosser in most homes. Items like ammonia and hot water are common. This makes it easy to start your paint job right away. No need to go to the store. It’s great for quick projects.

Homemade Paint Deglosser


  • Ammonia
  • Hot water
  • Baking soda

Step By Step Instructions

Prepare the Solution: Start by finding a big bowl. In it, mix equal parts of ammonia and hot water. Then, add a few tablespoons of baking soda. Stir this mixture until all the baking soda dissolves. This is your homemade deglosser. It’s important to mix it well so that the baking soda does not leave any residue. This solution will help take off the shiny layer from painted surfaces. It is simple and uses items you likely have in your house.

Transfer to a Spray Bottle: Next, pour the deglosser into a spray bottle. This makes it easier to apply. With a spray bottle, you can evenly cover the surfaces you want to treat. It also helps control how much deglosser you use. This is handy because it prevents using too much. A spray bottle also makes it easier to reach all areas of the surface.

Test the Deglosser: Before using it all over, test the deglosser on a small, hidden part of the surface. This step is to check that it doesn’t spoil the existing paint. It’s a good idea to be sure the deglosser works right before applying it to larger areas. If the test area looks good after applying the deglosser, you can proceed.

Apply the Deglosser: If the test works, spray the deglosser where you need it. Use a cloth or sponge to spread it evenly. Cover the entire area that you want to degloss. Make sure you apply it in all the corners and edges. This step ensures that the deglosser covers the whole surface.

Let It Work: Leave the deglosser on the surface for a few minutes. This time allows the deglosser to work on the glossy paint. It softens the shiny layer, making it easier to remove. Be patient during this step. It’s important to give it enough time to work.

Wipe Off: After a few minutes, use a clean cloth to wipe off the deglosser. This should remove the glossy finish from the paint. It’s like erasing the shine to make the surface ready for new paint. Wipe gently to avoid any scratches.

Rinse the Surface: Once you have treated the entire surface, rinse it with clean water. This rinse removes any remaining deglosser. It’s important to clean the surface well. This step ensures that the surface is ready for repainting or for any other treatment.

Repeat if Necessary: If some areas are still glossy, repeat the steps. Apply more deglosser, let it work, and then wipe and rinse. Keep doing this until the entire surface has no more gloss. This ensures your surface is fully prepared for the next step of your project.

Can I use rubbing alcohol as a Deglosser?

Yes, you can use rubbing alcohol as a deglosser. It works by dissolving the top layer of the paint, which removes the gloss. Rubbing alcohol is a strong solvent, known for its ability to break down substances. When applied to a glossy painted surface, it can effectively dull the shine. This makes it a useful tool for preparing a surface for repainting or for other treatments where a glossy finish would be a hindrance.

Rubbing alcohol is a harsh chemical. It can damage some surfaces, especially certain types of paint or finishes. Before you use it on a large area, test it on a small, hidden part of the surface. This helps make sure it doesn’t harm the paint or the material underneath.

How to Use Rubbing Alcohol as a Deglosser

Apply Rubbing Alcohol: Put a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a clean cloth. You don’t need a lot, just enough to dampen the cloth.

Rub the Surface: Gently rub the cloth over the painted surface. Use a circular motion to spread the alcohol evenly. Be gentle to avoid damaging the surface.

Let It Work: Allow the rubbing alcohol to sit on the surface for a few minutes. This gives it time to break down the glossy layer of the paint.

Clean the Surface: After a few minutes, wipe the surface with a damp cloth. This removes the rubbing alcohol along with the dulled gloss. It’s important to wipe it clean to avoid any residue from the alcohol.

This homemade paint deglosser works effectively in preparing surfaces for a new coat of paint. It ensures that new paint adheres well, giving a professional finish to any painting project. I recommend this method to anyone looking for an easy, affordable way to prepare their surfaces for repainting. It’s a handy skill to have and can be applied to various projects around the home.


1. Can I make a homemade paint deglosser with items I already have at home?

Yes, you can make a homemade paint deglosser using common household items like ammonia, hot water, and baking soda. These ingredients are often readily available in many homes.

2. Is homemade paint deglosser safe to use?

Homemade paint deglossers are generally safer than commercial ones as they contain less harsh chemicals. However, it’s still important to use them in a well-ventilated area and wear protective gloves.

3. Will a homemade deglosser work as effectively as a store-bought one?

Yes, a homemade deglosser can be just as effective as a store-bought one for removing the glossy finish from painted surfaces. It’s important to properly mix the ingredients and apply the deglosser correctly.

4. How do I apply a homemade paint deglosser?

Apply your homemade deglosser using a spray bottle for even coverage. Test it on a small area first, then spray it on the surface, spread it with a cloth or sponge, let it sit for a few minutes, and wipe it off. Rinse the surface afterward.

5. Can I store the leftover homemade paint deglosser for future use?

Yes, you can store any leftover deglosser in a well-sealed container. Keep it in a cool, dry place, and make sure to label it clearly. It’s best to use it within a few months for optimal effectiveness.

Randy CharlesProfessional Painter

Randy Charles is the owner of, a website dedicated to providing information, tips, tricks, and news about all things paint. With over 10 years of experience in the painting industry, Randy has become an expert in the field and is passionate about helping others learn more about painting. He has written numerous articles on the subject and is committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information to his readers.

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